donderdag 16 mei 2013

All things digital

Two important things happened today. Bnp Paribas fortis launched hello bank and one of our customers, the province of flemish brabant approved their daisy project. What's the relationship between these two and digital ? Read further, I'll make my point.

First of all, I'm very proud of the team of developers, administrators, business analysts and search experts that worked at a tremendous pace to launch Hello bank! today. It's the first mobile first bank in Europe ! This proves that bank2.0, social banking and mobile banking is not something for the future, not even the near future, but it's happening today.
On the other hand I want to congratulate Bnp Paribas Fortis, and no not because it's politically correct to congratulate a customer (let's face it's not politacally correct anymore to talk highly of banks). They did it ! They dared to innovate, they dared to start something they already had, a bank, a mobile banking app. They chose to disrupt.

Back to the other part of my story, daisy. Daisy is a project we are starting for the province of flemish brabant. It's intended to get the decision making process in the province more digital. You can't imagine how complex a decision making process can be in such an institution where elected people get to present new projects for the province and vote on them. But, the evolution there is get rid of all paper and evolve towards a digital local government.

This can only mean one thing ! The world is changing, the world is going digital ! Let's face it, if banks and governments are changing, surely the world must be changing.
Customers are embracing the digital reality much faster than any of us expected. Tablets are responsible for a huge earthquake in the analog world. Tablets (and not laptop's a couple of years ago) let all people access the information they want when they want.
I'm sure we haven't seen the end of this. Google glasses, Apple TV, 3D printing, NFC, it's all having a high impact on our daily lives.

Welcome to the future.

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